Traveliving Together - It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller

My Journey from Corporate to Full Time Traveler

My journey from following the herd to pursuing the path less travelled.

Welcome to my first blog. Well its something I have been wanting to do for a long time, but never took an action or showed consistency so far. I used to write daily notes though on my phone’s notepad.
There is nothing better than writing down what you feel and manifest in your life. It really soothes the chaos in my mind and stimulate my thoughts. It also gives a good feeling when we frame & save those memorable experiences and have something to look back on, during this small journey we call Life.

And I am feeling sooo good to write all this right now and even more excited to know that you people are finally reading it. I really want for anyone who is currently reading this, lots of positive vibes, encouragement, hope and may you engage in everything that gives you joy and power.
Most of the times we lack inspiration somewhere in our lives, maybe because of the unnecessary expectations or validations? as if there is a spotlight or some kind of pressure on us to prove something! Rather than working on our skills and our internal validation that nurture our self growth, we keep burdening ourselves asking for external validations all our life.
Just remember my friend, the universe really don’t care!
No one should have more power to make you feel good about yourself than “you”. I mean come on, we are like a tiny being here, having just one life in our share. So, from now only whatever interests you, brings you pure joy, and more importantly make you the best version of yourself, just start doing that and do it with all your heart.
Well I would like to share a little bit from my Journey from being in Corporate Jobs to a full time Reader, Traveler, Runner, and finally a Budding Writer. Lets get started!

“To be nobody but yourself in a world that’s doing its best to make you somebody else, is like fighting the hardest battle. Never stop fighting that battle”

โ€” E.E Cummings

You know what? Even mundane jobs can inspire you to write something interesting about them. As initially when we want to write something we start it with generally about what’s going in or around our lives. So there was a time when I too was keeping a log kinda thing in my notepad. Since it was the only thing that was keeping me sane after the 9 to 5 dull monotony of sitting in a cubicle everyday.

Being in the corporate life, I had this constant feeling of something missing. It was quite a sinking feeling which used to trigger sometimes like ‘am I subconsciously becoming a part of some rat race’? You know its not a very pleasant feeling to have, especially when you are a free spirited soul.

I would really want to know this from your all too, Is your caffeine fueled 40-hour workweek worth it?

“Am I working or just keeping busy”,ย I remember asking myself this question many a times amidst those long WebEx calls and so called daily meetings that used to stretch for untold hours. Most of them were time consuming and unproductive only. It’s not very hard to see why: mainly due to the unfocused agendas, unnecessarily putting up of repeated queries phew! and what not. Well clearly the only motivation left to handling all of it was an appraisal or a promotion, by hook or crook.
See, I am no one to judge or criticize all this hierarchy things, after all everyone has their own definition of growth and certain way of surviving in that environment too. It’s just sad for me to see that how it has become the bitter truth of almost every huge organization, which I observed too during my tenure.

“If you can’t walk away from a negotiation, then you aren’t negotiating. You’re just working out the terms of your slavery.”

James Altucher, Choose Yourself

Are we taking pride in being busy and forgetting to be productive anymore?

There are some questions that I and most of the people must have yearn to know the answers of – WHAT DO I WANT TO DO? WHAT PROBLEMS DO I WANT TO SOLVE IN THIS WORLD OR DURING MY JOURNEY ATLEAST? Well that has been my curiosity since forever, maybe that’s why I can never indulge or force myself in any dogmatic environment where people start believing or maybe showcasing themselves as “super busy” or hustlers. I think they don’t even realize the fact that there is a much bigger context to their life than following this never ending rat race. But by the time they understand the importance of mindful work over movement, it’s already too late. It’s all about our mindset that controls our destiny.

“Take control of your work, your life, your art. The tools are out there. Now you just need to use the tools inside yourself.”

James Altucher, Choose Yourself

Happiness is a choice. It is only up to you.

From the time of my MBA days, the idea of entrepreneurship always fascinated me. I think, no 9-5 job in this world can match the satisfaction of building or creating anything from your own and watching it flourish. Here your work doesnโ€™t start at 9 and ends at 5, in fact it’s most of the time never-ending and unappreciated. Still there is a different kind of peace and contentment within you when you’re not stagnant somewhere but growing. Even if it means taking small steps daily but all that matters is the right direction.

And always remember it’s totally okay to outgrow people, things and situations which are letting you down and disturbs your peace any day.

I came across this book, “The courage to be Happy” by Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga. Most of the lines in that book spoke directly to me. Sharing some of my favorite lines & quotes here-

By chasing approval, unhappy people ultimately end up living other people’s lives. Instead of pursuing their own goals, and then find fault with others putting them down to cover-up their own insecurities.

“Your unhappiness cannot be blamed on your past or your environment. And it isn’t that you lack competence. You just lack courage. One might say you are lacking in the courage to be happy.”

The courage to be Happy by Kishimi & Koga

Lastly I just wanted to thank you for just being here and reading all this. I hope you continue to read, and stay in touch. Never stop reading (not only my blog, but there are many more good reads and books that can make a difference)

I would love to know more about you! Leave me a comment down below letting me know a bit about you and and maybe some ideas of what you’d like to see here.


  1. Hitesh Malik

    Very nicely articulated.

  2. shivam chauhan

    Its simply so soothing and very content

  3. Yusuf faraz

    Wish I could be a part of your journey too..


    Well portrayed i could relate a lot ๐Ÿ˜Š

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